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April 3, 2024

Elevate Your Presentations with NVIDIA's AI-based Eye Contact Feature in VideoCom Presenter

Utilizing the power of AI, you can now adjust the direction of your eyes in real-time, making it look like you're looking directly into the camera, even though you're reading from a script.

It can be difficult to give the perfect video presentation. Remembering what to say and not missing any important information is a challenge. With VideoCom Presenter, you can easily create video presentations and re-record your current slide if you forget something without needing to start from the beginning. But there's another way to make sure you include everything without having to redo your slides!

Using a script can be a game changer, but scripts aren’t anything new. VideoCom Presenter will import your notes from your PowerPoint, PDF, and Google Slides presentations, which you can use as a script or write your own with the presenter notes.

Scripts help you stay on track. They ensure that you cover all of the important points but also help you come across as more polished and professional. The downside of using scripts is that it can often make it look like you’re not paying attention to your audience. That’s where NVIDIA’s new AI-based Eye Contact feature comes in. Using the power of AI, you can now adjust the direction of your eyes in real-time, making it look like you’re looking into the camera, even though you’re reading from a script.

Here are just a few ways this technology can benefit you:

  1. Improved engagement: Making eye contact with your audience is more likely to make them feel engaged and connected with what you’re saying. It can help keep their attention and make what you're saying more impactful.
  2. Increased credibility: People are more likely to trust and believe in what you’re saying when you’re being genuine and authentic. Eye contact goes a long way to help achieve this.
  3. Reduced nervousness: Nervousness can be a big problem when doing video presentations, especially if you're not used to being on camera. Being prepared by using a script and the ability to make it look like you’re looking at the camera with AI, it can help you feel more relaxed and confident which can make a big difference in how you come across.
  4. Better preparation: You can prepare your script in advance, which allows you to focus on delivering your message effectively instead of getting caught up in the details.

NVIDIA first announced its AI-based Eye Contact feature on 19th September 2022 as part of its Maxine AR SDK. To an average person, this doesn’t mean much and that’s because there was no consumer-friendly way to use this feature. All that has now changed since NVIDIA released NVIDIA Broadcast 1.4 which provides a way for you to select NVIDIA Broadcast as a webcam in your software of choice, such as VideoCom Presenter. There’s a catch though, you need an NVIDIA RTX graphics card (GPU).

How can you use NVIDIA Eye Contact in VideoCom Presenter?


  1. An NVIDIA RTX graphics card (RTX is a must!)
  2. Download and install NVIDIA Broadcast (1.4 or above)
  3. Download and install VideoCom Presenter


  1. Launch NVIDIA Broadcast and then select the camera tab at the top.
  2. Make sure your webcam of choice is selected under Camera source.
  3. In the “Effects” section, click the dropdown and choose Eye contact (beta). Ensure the toggle next to the dropdown is on. The other options here are optional.
  4. Launch VideoCom Presenter and open your presentation of choice.
  5. Click the “+ Overlay Element” button → Camera → Camera (NVIDIA Broadcast)
  6. That’s it!

Animated GIF showing the steps to enable NVidia Broadcast's Eye-contact feature
Enabling the eye contact option in NVIDIA Broadcast

A animated GIF showing the steps on how you can add NVIDIA Broadcast as an overlay element in VideoCom Presenter
Adding NVIDIA Broadcast as a camera element in VideoCom Presenter

You’re now able to use NVIDIA’s Eye Contact feature inside of VideoCom Presenter. This AI technology, combined with a well-prepared script, can work wonders for enhancing your video presentations. It not only helps you appear more polished but also fosters a deeper connection with your audience. As you explore the capabilities of this feature, you might discover even more ways it can cater to your specific needs. By the way, if you're interested in optimizing your video prospecting efforts, you might find valuable insights in our article on The Power of Video Prospecting: Building Connections That Boost Sales.